
Career Opportunities for Social Workers and their Salaries

Career Opportunities for Social Workers and their Salaries

This article highlights the career opportunities for social workers. Also, it provides a brief description of these jobs and their salaries.

What is Social Work?

The term “social work” is used to refer broadly to all occupations and careers that serve individuals and the community at large. It entails enhancing people who struggle with problems on the mental, emotional, and behavioral levels.


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Social workers carry out a variety of duties to prevent stress, mental health issues, and life obstacles from making people lose their frustration and negatively influencing those around them.

Career Opportunities for Social Workers

If you plan to get a degree in social work or start a career in the field. You might be interested in learning about the positions and career options that you can pursue using your degree in conjunction with a relevant field.

One who holds a degree in social work may find employment in a variety of settings, including hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, schools, detention facilities, juvenile homes, and community centers.


In this post, we’ll go over the many positions that social workers can hold, as well as their responsibilities and expected salaries.

Listed below are some of the career opportunities for social workers:

  • School Counselor
  • Therapist
  • Behavioral Analyst
  • Foster Care Social Worker 

School Counselor 

School counselors work in educational settings; they are available in colleges, universities, high schools, and other educational institutions. Also, They take up the role of providing moral and emotional support for the students.

The student’s personal, moral, social, and character development in a positive direction is why school counselors are employed in the school.

Roles and Responsibilities of a School Counselor 

The roles and responsibilities of a school counselor include the following: 

  • Assist students in comprehending their skills and how to enhance them.
  • Help students with the issues encountered when making decisions about the course and subject selections.
  • Guide students on the best ways to schedule their classes.
  • Provide students with tangible information on their choice of career
  • Assists students with admissions, scholarships, and identifying employment opportunities.
  • Collaborate with teachers, school heads, and parents to help highlight and solve problems about students’ academic, social and emotional needs.
  • Provide recommendations during meetings with stakeholders, teachers, and parents.
  • Organize orientation programs for new and old students to disseminate information on career and societal issues related to education.
  • Assist victims of abuse or bullying and report exceptional incidents of abuse to appropriate authorities.
  • Plan special events to assist the students in their academic and social development.
  • Research and accumulate more knowledge on guidance and counseling regarding education. 
  • Provide the school and parents with the report of the evaluation of the students. In addition, seeking the active involvement of the parents in the process is also part of the responsibilities. 
  • Keep, update and maintain a detailed record of the evaluation of the student’s development and setbacks. 
  • Organize training for teachers on their involvement of guidance and counseling in their teaching methods. 


Payscale reports that the average salary of a school counselor is $52,393, while the total pay falls between $39,000 to $75,000 per year. 

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Therapists are individuals with special training in mental and emotional well-being. Also, They are certified to help people deal with issues and events affecting their emotional and mental health.

The services of a therapist involve active listening, deducing the vital elements from each session with patients, and using them to formulate a method of treatment or plan to help them or manage the situation. 

A therapist is meant to be unbiased and open-minded and must be ready to stand in for the patients in terms of providing moral and emotional support to their patients. 

Roles and Responsibilities of a Therapist 

  • Offer recommendations and referrals when necessary.
  • Maintain a record of each session with the patients while ensuring that the confidentiality agreement is not breached. 
  • Provide patients with reports on their progress and the further course of action in the treatment plan. 
  • Foster a friendly and trustworthy relationship with the patients in a professional manner.
  • Monitor the patient’s response to the scheduled sessions, medications, and treatment plan. 
  • Conduct diagnostic assessments of the patients to determine the root causes of the condition and the approach and type of treatment to administer. 


Following the reports from the survey conducted by, the average salary of a therapist is $75,969 per year. The lowest pay falls at $42,300 and may rise to $136,435 as dictated by specialization, credentials, and years of experience. 

Behavior Analyst 

A behavior analyst examines their patient’s behavior and how society and the environment contribute to such behavior. They evaluate the behavior based on the knowledge from psychology to help them with mental health ill conditions which cause deviation from the expected behavior. 

Roles and Responsibilities of a Behavior Analyst 

  • Conduct exams and tests to run patient diagnoses.
  • Perform an observation analysis to examine the patient closely to learn more about their situation.
  • Create and carry out a sensible treatment strategy to aid in resolving the anomalies seen.
  • When needed, offer consulting services.
  • Depending on the situation, refer individuals to medical or mental health specialists or medical institutions.
  • Track and document the patient’s development.
  • Keep a record of the patient’s therapeutic interventions.

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According to ZipRecruiter, the national average salary of a behavioral analyst is $93,875 annually. The salaries fall between the range of $40,000 and $170,000 annually. 

Foster Care Social Worker

Foster care social workers strive to provide the finest welfare care for the kids housed there. They assist them in finding families who will accept them under temporary circumstances so they can stay with them permanently or temporarily.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Foster Care Social Worker

  • Establish a connection between the adoptive parents and the child
  • Conduct adoption process complies with agency policies and procedures, and federal and state requirements.
  • Verify that all required paperwork is signed and submitted.
  • Conduct a background check on the family to verify their eligibility.
  • Make regular follow-up checks to make sure the child is okay.
  • Attend phone calls about crises in foster care facilities.
  • Report any allegations of abuse, neglect, or other actions that violate the agreement to the relevant authorities.
  • Attend to the adoptive family’s inquiries and grievances.
  • Create an orientation and training program for adoptive families.
  • Investigate instances of abuse and neglect in the foster care system and prepare and maintain precise and concise reports. 


Comparably surveyed the salaries of foster care social workers, the average salary in the survey is $45,256. The highest pay from the survey is $73,434.

Final Notes on Career Opportunities for Social Workers

Everything that has to do with figuring out how to help the weak and challenged members of society is included in social work. It also involves promoting advocacy for the issues and raising awareness of them.

One can explore various doors of opportunities in the region.

Before you go, check out Career Opportunities in Health and Safety.

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