
Careers in Entomology and their Salaries

Careers in Entomology and their Salaries

This article provides a list of some of the careers in entomology. Also, it gives a brief description of these jobs and the salaries that they pay.

What is Entomology?

Entomology is a branch of science focused on studying insects and how they affect humans and the environment. It has its root in zoology, one of science’s most important areas of study. 


Careers in Entomology 

Suppose you are interested in entomology and need to know the career opportunities available. In that case, you might want to sit and go through the post. We will explore the duties of each mentioned career mentioned. Listed below are some of the Careers in Entomology.

  • Beekeeper
  • Industrial Ecologist
  • Microbiologist
  • Zookeeper
  • Toxicologist
  • Wildlife Biologist

Also, check out Career Opportunities in Aviation.


Beekeeping is the practice of raising and caring for bees. The majority of the work in beekeeping involves focusing solely on the bee colonies, especially the queen bee.

Occasionally, honey is removed from the hive, and the hive is cleaned every day. Additionally, beekeepers help remove bees from unfavorable sites and place them in a manufactured hive where they are kept under close monitoring.


Duties of a Beekeeper 

  • Design and construct the hives for bees to suit the intended purpose.
  • Insert honeycombs and induct wild swarms into prepared hives.
  • Excavate dead bees and cells from the hive. 
  • Flush out parasites and vermins from the hive.
  • Manage diseases among the bees in a hive to avoid widespread diseases. 
  • Cultivating queen bees for sale to other Apiarists.
  • Harvest honey from the hive for sale and create space.
  • When necessary, they split the colonies of the bees. 
  • Use equipment to manage the activities such as migration and removal. 
  • Gather and package the products such as beeswax from the hive. 
  • Research and develop new methods for handling bee management and related activities.


The average salary earned by a beekeeper in a year is $28,835, following the results of the salary polls from Career Explorer

Industrial Ecologist 

Industrial ecologists are mainly concerned with applying the knowledge and principles culled from ecology to the industrial management of pests and diseases. Their research and experiments are used as a basis to preserve natural resources. 

Duties of an Industrial Ecologist

  • Determine the positive and negative factors that affect the environment.
  • Create techniques or tactics to reduce how industrial manufacturing processes affect the environment.
  • Publish technical and research studies, such as environmental impact reports, and provide information for the need of government, business, and educational institutions. 
  • Analyze modifications made to complex systems’ environmental performance.
  • Offer suggestions on how to prevent environmental harm from industrial manufacturing processes or reduce it.
  • Plan or carry out the field study.
  • Study the sources of pollution to understand how it affects the environment and devises strategies for reducing or controlling it.
  • Predict future ecosystem status or condition based on evolving industrial activities or environmental factors.
  • Identify how environmental changes affect and are affected by human behavior.
  • Encourage the adoption of environmental management systems to cut waste or enhance ecologically responsible resource utilization.


According to Career Explorer, the average salary of an industrial ecologist is $76,530 per year. 


Microbiologists study microscopic organisms up close, their life cycle, habitat, interactions, and characteristics. 

Duties of a Microbiologist 

  • Keep track of all physical and physiological traits and spot any microbes.
  • Conduct testing on all arriving ingredients, and keep records on everything.
  • Create and ready the necessary research papers and materials.
  • Conduct assessments and audits of various environmental programs.
  • Create multiple testing procedures for all machinery and raw materials, and keep an eye on all produced goods.
  • Investigate every concern to avoid any GMP issues with samples.
  • Keep thorough records of all laboratory activities and run tests on them.
  • Create and record various microbiological lab procedures, then write up final reports.
  • Keep track of inventories and maintain purchase orders for all laboratory procedures.

Also, check out Career Opportunities in Event Planning.


According to, the average salary of a microbiologist is $60,894 per year. 


Zookeepers are in charge of managing the zoo and paying attention to the welfare of the animals in the zoo. Focusing on entomology can help understand the beneficial and harmful insects and their interaction with the animals. 

Duties of a Zookeeper 

  • Manage the animals’ effective care and help feed and groom them all.
  •  Monitor all domestic and exotic animals should have access to enough food and water
  • Watch animals with wounds and illnesses treated.
  • Keep up-to-date and accurate animal care records.
  • Assist veterinarians in managing animal births and ensuring proper care for newborns
  • Manage all animal movements effectively using a variety of methods.
  • Assist guests with questions and keep track of who is visiting the facility.
  • Operate and maintain all machinery used in animal care, such as incubators and cleaners.
  • Maintain a nice and clean environment for the animals and determine the right food and water for each animal.
  • Observe the welfare of all animals and keep records of them.


According to, the average salary of a zookeeper is $36,975. 


Toxicologists study dangerous compounds and the effects they have on people and animals. They also carry out several experiments to aid in the creation of compounds that work against toxins. They can control hazardous insects because they have an understanding of entomology.

Duties of a Toxicologist 

  • Analyze and examines evidence using chemical procedures to detect and quantify drugs, narcotics, poisons, or other banned substances.
  • Maintain reference materials and laboratory supplies
  • Aid in the gathering, maintenance, retention, and disposal of evidence
  • Conduct minor repairs on gas and liquid chromatographic equipment
  • Support efforts to synthesize toxicological literature
  • The report observed and recorded impacts into a database.
  • Ensure cutting-edge chemical and biological equipment
  • Give expert witness testimony and serves as a liaison with the courts and other outside groups.


According to, the average salary of a toxicologist is $82,180 yearly. 

Also, check out Career Opportunities in Health and Safety.

Wildlife Biologist 

A wildlife biologist is a scientist who focuses on the surroundings and behaviors of wildlife. Combined with entomology, one can understand the effects of climate change on insect populations. 

Duties of a Wildlife Biologist 

  • Conserve, maintain, and enhance wildlife within the context of multiple-use management of forests and rangelands.
  • Offer professional wildlife knowledge.
  • Manage wildlife habitats to preserve and promote biodiversity, and integrate wildlife management with other resource uses (such as forestry, recreation, and mineral management).
  • Verify that habitat rehabilitation initiatives follow authorized plans by inspecting them, then provide suggestions for improvement.
  • Manage multiple-use forest and range management activities while considering the needs of animal habitats. Prepare project work schedules and coordinate project operations with other unit staff.
  • Develop or contribute to the yearly work plan’s determination of personnel and funding requirements.
  • Aid in creating and evaluating environmental impact analyses and assessments that influence wildlife resources.


According to, the average salary of a wildlife biologist is $50,234.

Final Notes on Careers in Entomology and their Salaries

Even though entomology focuses on little earth organisms, that does not mean that it is a discipline of study that can be profitable. It is the opposite – people interested in the topic have many options.

You can work in various chemical, agricultural, and many more industries. The list mentioned above includes a few of the entomology-related jobs.

Before you go, apply for Available Jobs.

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