
Health Benefits of Garden Eggs

Health Benefits of Garden Eggs

Garden egg does not translate to eggs cultivated and harvested in the garden. That is what I thought it was during my early childhood, not until I came across it for the first time.

That story is by the way and not the reason for this post. The health benefits of garden eggs are the main discussion. The post has some tangible information about garden eggs and the reason why taking them is good for the body. 

Also, check out The Health and Sexual Benefits of Cucumber.


About Garden Eggs

A Garden egg is from the family of eggplants. Some refer to them as aubergine and there are different cultivars of them available. The shapes of garden eggs differ, mostly we have teardrop, oblong, and oval shapes.

Also, you can find varieties of garden eggs in different colors, we have green and white colors as the most common kinds in Nigeria.

Garden egg has a bitter taste or should I say it has a taste that does not relate to anything sweet.

However, if you consider that, you will be missing out on the nutritional value that is present in the fruit. Moreover, the taste is not entirely bad or unfit for consumption.


The Health Benefits of Garden Eggs

The benefits you stand to gain when you eat garden eggs are abundant but I will tell you some of them in this post. The following ways in which garden eggs help our body include:

Treatment of Diabetes 

Garden egg is one of the fruits diabetic patients need to consume to help stabilize their sugar levels. It is good for them because it contains anthocyanin compounds that help to reduce the high sugar level. If you have anyone having diabetes, add enough garden eggs to their diet. 

Reduce Cholesterol

When you take garden as one the fruits in your diet. You are doing yourself so much good in reducing the amount of cholesterol you have in your body. Consequently, you are reducing the risk of getting high blood pressure and hypertension 

Reduce the risk of cancer 

One of the benefits of taking garden eggs is that it compensates for the supply of carotenoids for the body. This substance is very substantial in the action of reducing the occurrence of certain types of cancer in the body.

Also, you get to have  Glycoalkaloids as part of the nutrients in combating the build-up of cancerous cells in the body.

Provide nutrients for the bones 

The intake of garden eggs provides the necessary nutrients and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, manganese, and copper required for the adequate health of the bones of the body. These nutrients will ensure that the bones have the supplements to grow and treat disorders such as osteoporosis and arthritis.

Improve lactation in Nursing Mothers 

Nursing mothers taking garden eggs get an Iron chelator contained in the garden that helps improve the lactation conditions in their bodies. Hence, feeding and production of breastmilk for their babies becomes easier.

Aids Digestion

It is not a good experience with cases where there is indigestion of food in the body. It might be a result of the low fiber content in our food and thereby it is important to include them in our diet.

You can get the supply of fiber content by the intake of garden eggs. Also, if you are having stomach upheaval, you can take garden eggs to help suppress the condition. 

Supply of protein 

When you eat a garden egg frequently then you have included a great amount of protein in your diet. Garden egg is a rich supply of protein as it contains a high volume of amino acids. Therefore, if you want to get a supply of protein, add a garden egg to the list of fruits you want to take. 

Presence of antioxidants

Garden eggs are rich in the supply of antioxidants and there are a lot of benefits from their consumption. Antioxidants help in reducing oxidative stress in the body thereby helping to prevent heart disease and improve skin conditions. 

Improve eye health

The eye is one of the most important organs in the body. It also needs supplies of vitamins and minerals to help perform well. Eating garden eggs is one of the means that you can supply nutrients for the eyes.

Garden eggs contain nicotinoid, an important substance that has the necessary components that help strengthen the ability of the eyes to focus and the prevention of certain eye defects. 

Also, check out The Benefits of Guava Leaves Sexually.

Nutrient Contents in Garden Eggs

Let me provide a short list of the nutrients contained in garden eggs. This list will give a clear view of what one stands to gain with the consumption of garden eggs

Minerals in Garden Eggs

  • Calcium 
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorus
  • Manganese 
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Vitamins in Garden Eggs 
  • Vitamin A 
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Ascorbic Acid
  • Vitamin E 
  • Vitamin K 
  • Other Nutrients 
  • Dietary Fiber
  • Fat 
  • Proteins
  • Carbohydrate
  • Sugar

Ways You Can Eat Your Garden Egg (Nigeria style)

In Nigeria, there are different ways you can eat your garden egg in case you do not want to eat it raw. Nigerians have different and creative ideas when it comes to food combinations and some of the combinations we have for garden eggs include

Garden Egg and Groundnut

Eating garden egg with freshly fried groundnut is a top-notch combination and the result is great.

I vouch for this combination because it gives me that fantastic feeling each time I try the combination. Do not take my word for it, try it yourself and find out.

Garden Egg and Peanut Butter

Another way you can enjoy your garden egg is by taking it with peanut butter. The combination is a great deal and worth trying.

Garden Egg Made into Sauce

Garden eggs have another thing in common with eggs apart from having similar shapes. The thing they have in common is that you can prepare both as a sauce. Garden egg sauce is very palatable and mostly taken with yam, potato, and pounded yam.

Final Notes on the Health Benefits of Garden Eggs

Garden egg is one of the healthy fruits for consumption. Much has been said about the health benefits of garden eggs in this post.

Before you go, check out the Health Benefits of Bitter Kola.

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