
The Sexual and Health Benefits of Cloves

The Sexual and Health Benefits of Cloves

Many people are only familiar with cloves as spices. However, this is not the only reason you should learn about cloves. You must understand that they are more than just spices. They are one of the best natural sources of antioxidants on the planet.

What you will learn in the post will be beneficial to you as you get to understand the health benefits of cloves. We learn every day as the saying goes. 


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Cloves are aromatic dried flower buds that are brown and have a peppery flavor. They are commonly used as spices.

The health benefits of Cloves 

You will get to know in detail why cloves are beneficial to the body in this section. The following are the health benefits of cloves in humans:


Rich in Antioxidants 

If you want a rich supply of antioxidants in your body then definitely you should have cloves as part of your dietary plan. There are many antioxidant compounds that you will get from taking cloves.

One of the important antioxidant constituents is Eugenol. Eugenol proves to be one of the vital components to have in the body. It works to help prevent diseases and harmful bacteria in the body. There is less risk of cardiovascular issues when you have enough eugenol in your body system 

Helps Diabetic Patients 

The sugar level in diabetic patients is high enough to cause an imbalance in the working function of the human body. There is a need to reduce the sugar level in the body to help maintain a good healthy lifestyle. Cloves prove to be one of the food substances that can help reduce the sugar level in the body. 

Therefore, if one is at risk of getting diabetes or has one, it is advisable to add more cloves to their diet to stabilize the sugar level in the body.

Anti Inflammatory Properties 

It has been discovered that cloves have anti-inflammatory properties because they contain flavonoids in great amounts. That is the reason why they are useful in the treatment of health conditions that involve inflammation. For instance, cloves are important when treating cases of arthritis and rheumatism. 

Treatment of Toothache

The pains that come with a toothache can be severe or mild depending on the condition. However, whether mild or severe the pains from the condition are unbearable and can cause the victim discomfort in carrying out their normal daily activities.

As part of the relief measure to the pain, cloves can come in handy. They have a soothing effect on the pain because they contain anodyne. 

Furthermore, aside from providing relief for toothache, they are useful when it comes to filling cavities in the teeth, treating sore gums, and treating the mouth. 

Acne and Pimples Treatment

Acne and pimples are not good for facial beauty and can dampen self-confidence if there are more persistent cases of it. However, one can resolve the problem by just making a paste with the cloves and applying it on the face. You can do this in the morning and at night. 

Solve Digestion Problems

Issues affecting digestion such as indigestion, nausea, and frequent farting are discomforting. The use of cloves serves as one of the ways that one can solve these conditions in the body. 

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Works as an anti-microbial agent

Cloves prove to be a potent antiseptic and anti-fungal agent. It rids harmful bacteria in the body and causes fungi activities that are not useful for the body.

Immune system booster

The daily intake of cloves is an effective way one can strengthen the immune system of the body because it helps purify the blood in the body. 

Increase and maintain blood circulation 

The circulation of blood in the body is very essential as the blood helps carry nutrients to the necessary parts of the body. Cloves help to improve this activity in the body by stimulating it.

Treatment of Headache 

Cloves help with the relief from worrisome headaches by sniffing them.

Treatment of Muscular Cramps 

Muscular cramps are one pain that an individual does not want when training or performing an exercise. The period of discomfort may be short or long. The use of cloves serves as a measure to bring relief when experiencing such conditions. All you need to do is make the cloves into a soft, moist paste and apply it to the affected area. 

Improves Vision for aged people

Cloves are efficient in supplying the necessary nutrients and improving the breakdown of docosahexaenoic acid in the retina of aged people. With this, aged people have healthier vision than they should have at their age. Therefore, old people should take cloves frequently. 

Cough Treatment

When you have a cough, you can count on cloves to do the work of an expectorant to help release the mucus in the throat. They are natural expectorants and cheap treatments for coughs. 

Helps in the prevention of  lung cancer 

Cloves work in the body to reduce the risk of having lung cancer because of Eugenol. 

Treatment of Asthma

Cloves combined with garlic and honey are one of the healthy combinations that can help asthmatic patients.

Other benefits of Cloves 

The previous section discusses the health benefits that come with the intake of cloves. In contrast, we will discuss the various uses of cloves not related to their health benefits. Those benefits include the following 

  • Used in making mosquito repellants
  • Manufacture of toothpaste flavors
  • Used in making tea 
  • Processed into oil that can work as scents and fragrance
  • One of the ingredients in making tobacco cigarettes 
  • Used as flavors when making pastries 
  • Essential in making pomanders 
  • Used in cooking because they are essentially spices.

Sexual Benefits of Cloves 

Cloves enhance sexual performance as they can serve as an aphrodisiac. When you take them before sex, you will get maximum erection and arousal for the sexual activity. In addition, one will last longer in bed.

Benefits of Cloves for animals

Cloves are beneficial to animals and veterinary medicine as a whole. It is essential in the following areas

  • Painkillers to treat toothache in animals
  • Treat vomiting conditions in animals

Nutrients in Cloves

Below is the list of nutrients in cloves that are beneficial to the human body when you take them.

  • Water
  • Protein
  • Fats
  • Fiber
  • Niacin
  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamin
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin B6
  • Ash 
  • Carbohydrate
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Phosphorus
  • Selenium
  • Folate
  • Fatty Acids

Final Notes on The Sexual and Health Benefits of Cloves

Cloves are one of the essential spices used in cooking, processed into oils, and useful substances for home remedies. After reading this post, you will see cloves in a new light because you will become accustomed to the benefits of using cloves, especially if you were previously unaware of them.

Before you go, check out Benefits of Guava Leaves Sexually.

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