
Personal Statement
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Personal Statement: How it is and How to Write a Good One

A personal statement is one of the requirements when you apply for admissions, scholarships, and jobs. Simply said, the recruiting team or school selection committee is asking you to sell yourself to them without providing your career or academic background.

They want to know more about you than what degree, résumé, certificate, transcripts, and other documents can possibly reveal.

Therefore, the key to persuading the selection committee of the admission or application is a well-written personal statement.


Also, check out How to Write a Resignation Letter.

The post will teach you how to create a personal statement, what makes a good one, and other crucial details.

What is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a piece of writing that often describes your background, including your personal, educational, and professional experiences. It is frequently required as a component of a college or job application, and it is an excellent way for you to highlight your accomplishments, abilities, and personality.


Personal Statement Vs Statement of Purpose 

When you come across the two terms, it could be confusing. One could easily assume they both mean the same thing. That is untrue, though, as both have distinct meanings and objectives. Let’s examine what each represents and how they differ.

What is a statement of purpose (SOP)

A personal statement and a statement of purpose (SOP) are two documents that must be submitted with an application for graduate school, a professional program, or a scholarship. Depending on the situation, you might be asked to provide just the statement of intent or both with it.

Written in the form of a statement, it provides information on the applicant’s educational and professional experience as well as their aims and objectives in applying to the program.

It is important to highlight academic accomplishments and credentials. The statement aids the candidate in making the case for why they are a suitable match for the program by highlighting their academic accomplishments, online research, and short and long-term career objectives.

On the other hand, a personal statement is a written statement that establishes the connections of the personal experience, motivations, strengths, weaknesses and goals of the applicant with the program.

The purpose of a personal statement is to provide the admissions committee with a better understanding of the applicant’s personality, character, and motivation for pursuing the program.

It is an opportunity to sell yourself explaining how your past and present personal experience has shaped you and made you fit for the program you are applying for.

In a nutshell, a statement of purpose is more academic and professional focused and a personal statement is more personal and educational focused.

However, both are very important documents for your application process and if properly done, they can boost your chances of getting selected.

How to write a personal statement

Writing a personal statement can be tasking because of the power it holds. One needs to put a great effort into it so it will come out beautifully crafted. So, how do we write a well-crafted personal statement? The answer to this is what we will explore in this section.

If you want to write a beautiful personal statement, you must first understand what it entails because your task becomes easier and you will follow the necessary objectives. Furthermore, writing a good personal statement involves certain activities which I split into categories – the pre-writing phase and the writing phase.

The pre-writing phase is the phase that involves you gathering the necessary and valuable ideas and thoughts that will be transformed into writing. More work is done in this phase and if done correctly, the writing phase becomes easier.

Activities in the pre-writing phase include:

Understand the requirements

The task here is to understand what your university or school requires of the personal statement. Requirements such as word count, formats, style, and composition should be adhered to. Failure to follow the specified requirements gets you disqualified.


There is a high tendency to leave out important details in your essay if you attempt to write at first without brainstorming. You will have a wealth of golden moments to tap from to pitch a good convincing story when you brainstorm.

Brainstorming brings you in tune with your past experiences, goals, dreams, and interests throughout your life before you engage in the course and when you did. In addition, you get to tell how all these things have shaped your belief, values, goals, personality, motivation, character, and knowledge.

Write out those striking moments and experiences you can link with the program to craft a good connection story.

Also, check out How to Write a Guarantor Letter.

Create an outline

For every essay or write-up to turn out well, it must have an outline. A blueprint to help organize how you will shape your thoughts, information, and ideas and how they will flow together.

Create an outline for your statement. This can include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and give an overview of who you are and what you have to offer. 

The body should expand upon your experiences and explain how they have prepared you for the next step in your life. The conclusion should summarize your key points and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

The Writing Phase 

The writing phase is where you do the actual writing and where you make good use of the whole resourceful information you have gathered in the pre-writing phase. In the writing phase, you have to be:

Be honest and authentic

Your statement should reflect who you are and what you stand for. Avoid exaggerating your experiences or accomplishments, and be sure, to be honest about any challenges or obstacles you have faced.

Use specific examples

Instead of making general statements, provide specific examples of your experiences and achievements. This will help the reader understand and relate to your experiences.

Show, don’t tell

Instead of simply stating that you are a hard worker or a good leader, provide examples and evidence to back up your claims.

Use descriptive language and strong verbs

This will make your statement more engaging and interesting to read. 

Proofread and edit your statement

Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure that your statement flows well and is easy to read. It is important because the essay is formal and it tells badly of you when your statement is full of grammatical and spelling errors.

I advise you to always get like two to three people to help you proofread your essay as you may have a blind spot to some mistakes just because you wrote them.

Also, some websites offer services to proofread and edit essays such as this for a price. If you can afford them, you can do that. They also offer fresh ideas and suggestions for you. 

  • Tailor your statement to the specific college or job you are applying to
  • Show that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in the opportunity.

Sample of a Personal Statement 

As a lifelong learner and ambitious individual, I am excited to apply for the XYZ program at ABC University. My passion for the field of XYZ and my strong academic background make me a strong candidate for this program.

Throughout my undergraduate studies in XYZ at DEF College, I have gained a solid foundation in the theories and practices of the field. I have had the opportunity to work on several research projects, including my senior thesis on the impact of ABC on XYZ. These experiences have not only deepened my understanding of the field but also sharpened my critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

In addition to my academic achievements, I have also gained valuable experience through internships and volunteer work. I have worked as an intern at GHI Company, where I assisted in the development of XYZ projects and gained hands-on experience with the latest technologies. I have also volunteered at JKL non-profit organization, where I helped to increase awareness about XYZ issues and develop community-based solutions.

I am particularly interested in the XYZ program at ABC University because of its reputation for excellence and its emphasis on practical, hands-on learning. I am confident that this program will provide me with the knowledge and skills I need to achieve my career goals and make a positive impact in the field of XYZ.

I am dedicated to making the most of this opportunity and am eager to contribute to the academic and research community at ABC University. Thank you for considering my application.

Final Notes On Personal Statement

The personal statement is a crucial component of the application process for research institutes, universities, and even jobs. Its goal is to represent who you are, your experiences, and your aspirations while leveraging them to make a case for why you’d be a good fit for the job you’re applying for.

An excellent personal statement requires a lot of work to write, but this post has made it easier to do so.

Before you go, check out Tips on How to Write a Notice to Quit Letter.

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