
Kitchen Items List

Kitchen Items List: Appliances You Should Have

Kitchens make up a huge part of our lives. This is where food of all kinds is made, mixed, and prepared. To some sophisticated individuals, though, the kitchen is just another art piece that needs to be perfect. Discover some of the kitchen items you should have in this piece.

Food preparation, among many other human things, has recorded advancements in the processes involved. Consequently, the normal setup for kitchens is bound to change to fit in with the rave.

This article highlights the different equipment that is essential for the smooth running of operations in every kitchen ranging from simple hand tools to machinery of different sizes.

Kitchen Items List

Listed below are some of the kitchen items you should have:


  • A Set of Knives
  • Blenders
  • Whisk/Mixer
  • Coffee Maker and Grinder
  • Juicer
  • Graters
  • Can Openers
  • Vegetable Peeler
  • Salad Spinner
  • Refrigerator/Freezer
  • Rice Cooker
  • Pressure Cooker
  • Toaster
  • Ovens/Microwaves
  • Dishwasher

A set of knives

a set of knives
Set of Knives

Although knives are arguably the most important tool in the kitchen, you only need a few trustworthy ones to perform the majority of cutting, chopping, slicing, deboning, and carving tasks.

This is despite the cliché that says knives are an extension of a cook’s hand. Having a knife for every role makes the job easier and neater.



Using a blender, you can mix, smash, purée, or emulsify food and other substances in the kitchen. An electric motor housed in the base of a blender container with a revolving metal blade at the bottom makes up a stationary blender.

Some strong models can also crush ice and other frozen goods. A blender is ideal if you want to consume smoothies, protein shakes, milkshakes, fruit juices, and vegetable boosters.



A mixer is a kitchen appliance that uses a gear-driven mechanism to rotate a set of “beaters” or the whisks mentioned above in a bowl containing the food or liquids that need to be mixed.

Mixers make repetitive stirring, whisking, or beating operations more efficient. The word “whisk” comes from the usage of whisks to quickly combine ingredients or to add air to substances like egg whites or heavy cream to enhance the volume of the combination. This makes mixing and incorporating foods easy to the letter.


Coffee maker and grinder

Coffee Maker
Coffee Maker

A coffee maker or coffee machine is a cooking appliance used to brew coffee. They have been used to boil other foods such as eggs and corn on the cob, heat baby bottles, or boil water due to the presence of a compartment that boils water.

Attached to some coffee makers are the grinders, which pulverize coffee beans into powdered form, which can easily be brewed.

Some older models do not have this installed, and as a result, one has to buy the grinder separately.


A juicer usually referred to as a juice extractor, is a device used in the juicing process to extract juice from fruits, herbs, leafy greens, and other kinds of vegetables. It squeezes the juice from the pulp by crushing, grinding, or other means.



A grater also referred to as a shredder, is a culinary tool used to grind meals, typically soft ones, into small pieces that are thinner at both ends than the center to facilitate easier processing.

Can openers

Can Opener
Can Opener

Trying to take the lid off a can of processed food can prove to be such an ordeal. It is also dangerous as it can inflict cuts. A can opener is a tool to open cans and expose whatever goodness it encloses without hassle or injury.

Vegetable peeler

Vegetable peeler
Vegetable peeler

A peeler does exactly what its name suggests; it peels the skin or peels of fruits and vegetables. Peelers typically have a steel blade attached to a steel, metal, rubber, or plastic handle.

A peeler sees to it that peeling is done at a faster rate without losing more of the vegetarian to the peeling process.

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Salad spinner

Salad Spinner

A salad spinner, sometimes known as a salad tosser, is a kitchen appliance used to drain extra liquid or water from leafy vegetables like lettuce or other salad greens to prevent the salad from getting all soggy.

Salad spinners have an outer bowl that is attached to the spinning mechanism and an inner strainer basket that is comparable to a colander and is where you put the fresh greens.

You can twist a knob or pull a cable to generate a centrifugal force that spins the leaves and squeezes out extra water through the strainer basket’s tiny holes or mesh.



The refrigerator’s primary function is to keep food cool. Food keeps fresher for longer in colder temperatures just a little above the freezing point of water. The fundamental idea behind refrigeration is to reduce the activity of bacteria, which are present in all food and take longer to contaminate it.

The functions of a freezer are for the preservation of food both in the frozen and fresh food aisles, dispensing purified water, and forming ice.

Rice cooker

Rice cooker
Rice cooker

A rice cooker is an electric kitchen gadget made for fast and simple rice cooking while keeping it warm until consumption. A pot, an interior cooking compartment, a thermostat, and a heating element make up this appliance.

Although its name seems to limit its function, more than simply rice can be prepared in rice cookers. The device can prepare food, including pizza, chili, and ribs. Other grains, such as millet, maize, and, in some cases, beans, can also be prepared in rice cookers.

A rice cooker can also make breakfast foods like pancakes and oatmeal.

Pressure cooker

Pressure cooker
Pressure cooker

Meals that consume so much time can be quickly prepared with pressure cookers. They are efficient in terms of electricity consumption and are excellent for tenderizing less expensive portions of meat.

They are a healthy cooking method since they effectively retain nutrients and can cut cooking times by up to half the normal time range.



A toaster is a popular tiny electric gadget made to expose different kinds of food, such as sliced bread, chips, fries, and pizza, to radiant heat, toasting the food by browning it. It is, however, almost solely used in sandwich preparation.



An oven is an instrument for exposing materials to a heated environment. Ovens have an interior hollow chamber that may be heated in a regulated manner. They have been used for a wide range of tasks needing regulated heating.

They are used for performing mostly baking and roasting functions. Ovens come in many varieties due to their wide range of uses. These kinds vary based on their intended use and how they produce heat.

Microwaves, on the other hand, are what most people turn to mainly for heating leftovers. They can also recrystallize honey, disinfect kitchen utensils, and do light roasting.



A dishwasher is a device that automatically cleans cutlery, cookware, and dishware. The mechanical dishwasher cleans by spraying hot water at the dishes, typically between 45 and 75 °C (110 and 170 °F), with lower temperatures of water being used for delicate items.

This is in contrast to manual dishwashing, which heavily relies on physical scrubbing to remove soiling. Of course, there’s a need to feed water and detergent into separate units for it to function. Apart from that, it requires little to zero human intervention.

Final Notes on Kitchen Items List

A kitchen without the necessary functional appliances is no different from a spare room. Given the equipment required to function, the kitchen will satisfy not only the aesthetics point of view but also us in the nutrition department.

While there are countless other time and energy-saving devices, those mentioned above are one of the few that are essential.  

Before you go, check out The Types of Fish Feed in Nigeria.

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