
Jobs Available in Waste Management and their Salaries

Jobs Available in Waste Management and their Salaries

Check out some of the Jobs Available in Waste Management. Also, this article provides a brief description of these jobs and their salaries.

Humans produce waste as a routine aspect of their everyday lives. However, improper waste management can harm the environment and human living circumstances.

Trash management is the process of removing and properly disposing of waste. Collection, processing, and disposal are all involved. In addition, efforts or actions related to waste management also include education and legislation.


Garbage can be recycled, composted, incinerated, gasified, or buried. Even if recycling and composition are the best and safest approaches, all other techniques have their uses.

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Categories of Waste 

We have different categories, which include biohazard waste, agricultural waste, industrial waste, and municipal waste.

The waste can be either in solid forms, such as our usual trash, or in liquid form, with the typical example being sewage. 


Importance of waste management 

The importance of waste management includes the following

  • It helps create a clean and conducive environment for everyone, including the animals. 
  • The activities of practical management help reduce pollution, which is a good course for protecting the environment 
  • The establishment of the waste management industry creates employment for people 

Jobs available in Waste Management

We are going to look at the jobs available in waste management in this section. After listing out the jobs, we will take a close look at the duties and salary estimates. Among the abundant opportunities available, we will talk about five of them in this post. 

  • Truck Driver 
  • Site Chemist
  • Transport Manager 
  • Diesel Mechanic 
  • Refuse Collector 

Truck Driver 

As truck drivers, it is their responsibility to handle the transportation of the waste from various places down to where they are recycled or trashed.

Duties of a truck driver 

The responsibilities of a truck driver are as follows.

  • Professionally drive the truck and often oversee the waste collection.
  • Verify to confirm if the car is in the proper condition for the operation
  • Unload the waste at the waste site. 
  • Provide excellent customer service relationships and also foster good working relationships with colleagues.
  • Conduct maintenance work on the vehicle to ensure its roadworthiness.
  • Oversee the sanitation of the trucks
  • When accidents occur, or issues are detected with trucks, report them to the department head or appropriate authorities.
  • Strictly follow the guidelines and policies on safety on occupational hazards, especially when dealing with waste.


According to ZipRecruiter reports, the average salary of a truck driver working in the management industry is $52,082 annually. 

Site Chemist 

A site chemist deals with hazardous kinds of waste, primarily chemical waste. Using the knowledge of chemistry, they assess the wastes by monitoring the unloading, packaging, and storage. 

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Duties of a Site Chemist

The following are the duties of a site chemist.

  • Conduct tests and analyzes of the waste 
  • Prepare the documentation for transferring waste to the proper waste management facilities.
  • Run compatibility test for wastes in the waste deposits.
  • Monitor compliance with the dealing of waste management using the industry standards and organization policies as a guide. 
  • Organize training for junior site chemists, Ensure proper practice of waste segregation.
  • Ensure the filling of all paperwork for incoming and outcoming loads of waste
  • Label and repackage chemical wastes at the site
  • Maintain adequate records and documentation.


For site chemists, the average salary of a chemist is $65,522 yearly, per the survey from Glassdoor.  

Diesel Mechanic 

Diesel engines power many trucks and vehicles used in waste collection. Therefore, a diesel mechanic performs the maintenance and repair of these vehicles. 

Duties of a Diesel Mechanic 

Below are some of the duties required of a mechanic. 

  • Troubleshoot diesel engines through periodic inspection.
  • Assemble new parts used to replace worn-out parts of the machine.
  • Keep records of the maintenance log. 
  • When necessary, carry out the overhaul of the engine.
  • Often carry out welding of the elements of the diesel engine.
  • Run diagnostic on the electrical and mechanical systems of the truck.
  • Assist in ordering supplies such as tools, equipment, and parts.
  • Provide recommendations and referrals should in case the problem requires expertise. 
  • Perform maintenance to prevent issues in the systems of the engine. 
  • Balance and realign the wheel of the vehicle.


According to a survey from, the average salary of a diesel mechanic is $56,225 per year.

Transport Manager

A transport manager coordinates the waste trucks’ dispatch and each driver’s assignment to different posts and tasks. They ensure the transport department is run effectively and monitor the conditions of the trucks in their care.

Duties of a Transport Manager

The following are the duties of a transport manager. 

  • Monitor the usage of the waste truck and ensure that they are in good condition. 
  • Oversee the repair and maintenance of the trucks. 
  • Develop and maintain a good relationship with the drivers and employees under their wing. 
  • Assist in the recruitment of drivers to ensure they meet the standards. 
  • Track the performance of the execution of the developed strategies. 
  • Motivate and lead the employees in the department
  • Respond to complaints, suggestions, and feedback
  • Perform administrative duties.
  • Organize training and orientation for the drivers. 


The average compensation package of a transport manager is $55,000 per year, following the reports from

Refuse Collector

It is evident to know what a refuse collector does from the name of the job. A refuse collector gathers trash and recyclable materials at various points or locations. They ensure that the wastes are disposed of or recycled correctly.

Duties of a Refuse Collector

The following are the duties of a refuse collector. 

  • Perform separation of recyclable materials in the garbage collector. 
  • Ensure that the garbage is packed well in the truck for processing. 
  • Provide education to people in the community on the use of reusable materials and how to trash their dirt properly. 
  • Provide support to clean up the remaining dirt and garbages left off during collection. 
  • Station trash cans and bins at the proper points. Also, replace the damaged ones accordingly. 
  • Collaborate with the truck driver on collecting garbage from various homes and other buildings. 
  • Operate machinery such as cranes and hydraulics to lift and compact trash. 
  • Keep a record of the tonnes of waste collected and the location. 
  • Participate in the crushing of the trash into a compact shape. 
  • Remove litter and debris using a rake and shovel. 


According to, the average salary of a refuse collector is $39,223 yearly. 

Final Notes on Jobs Available in Waste Management and their Salaries

Even if it doesn’t provide jobs, waste management is an activity that should be taken seriously since it’s crucial for the well-being of everyone involved—people, plants, and animals alike.

In this post, we will focus on the employment that is accessible in waste management.

Before you go, check out Popular Rigzone Jobs and Salaries.

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