
The Importance of Technology in Education
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The Importance of Technology in Education

In this day and age, there is one truth that we cannot ignore. In actuality, technology has fundamentally altered the world. This wind of technological development has benefited a wide range of items and areas.

We see the advancement of our world as technology advances. Every significant human activity and aspect of life is influenced by technology. healthcare, education, sports, banking, communication, commerce, government, banking, agriculture, and a host of other topics.

One of the benefits of technology growth is education, which will continue to advance as more advancements are made in the coming years. I am aware that many people could contend that technology has a detrimental effect on education, and I concur.


Also, check out the Advantages of the Internet.

But it is impossible to ignore technology’s beneficial effects on education, and I shall assert that this is true in the case of education.

I could go on and on about the advantages of technology in education that we get to enjoy since they are numerous and their existence is also amply demonstrated for everyone to see. We do not have that luxury, therefore I will limit my discussion to a handful of them in this essay.

Education before Technological Advancement 

When we talk about education before technology, we’re talking about the eras when conventional teaching and learning methods were the norm. There was no evidence of the usage of technology in the classroom.

The only person bringing prepared text from the accessible textbook into the classroom and imparting knowledge to the students was the teacher. There was nothing like using computers, the internet, and magic boards to instruct the pupils.


The traditional approach, which served as the model for modern education’s use of technology in teaching and learning, was successful in its own right. But because of its difficulties, it falls short of what is available in technologically advanced modern education. Among these difficulties are:

Limited access to information and other resources 

Teachers and students are limited to only the information that they can lay their hands on. There is no easy access to sourcing information outside the scope of what is provided or available. 

Limited ability for a customized learning 

A Limited supply of instructional materials and information resources proved to be an obstacle in creating a learning path and teaching for the individual needs of the students. 

Limited communication

Communication through support and feedback is a major problem and challenge with the traditional method of teaching. 

Limited ability to track the performance of students 

During the era of education without technology, tracking the performances of the students is somehow not an easy task. In addition, there is not so much work done in deducing useful information from the stats and data on the performance of the students which can be useful in tailoring the educational needs of the students. 

The importance of technology in education 

Like I said earlier in the beginning, there are many numerous benefits that technology brings to the area of education. In this section, we will explore a few of them. 

Access to a wealth of information

One of the hallmarks of technological innovation is the internet. The internet, they say, makes the world a global village connecting everyone from different parts of the world.

The internet makes it possible for students, teachers, school owners, and even education policymakers to access information that is cogent to them.

Hence, the whole education process both in and out of the classroom is enhanced and supplemented due to this. There are tons of information and educational resources available online and accessing them is not much of a stress.

Improved communication and collaboration

Modern education has transcended traditional education on many levels. We now have online learning and distance learning as well.

This is possible because of technology which bridges the gap and creates an avenue for students and teachers to communicate and collaborate in real-time from anywhere in the world.

Communication and collaboration are now easy with technology in education creating an atmosphere for normal learning and distance learning. 

Also, check out The Importance of Technology.

Increased engagement and motivation

Technology can make learning more interactive and engaging, which can help to increase student motivation and engagement in the learning process.

Personalized learning

Technology helps to create a learning path and instructional materials for students according to their specific needs and abilities. It creates an avenue for students with special needs and disabilities to enjoy education, easing their stress and minimizing their challenges. 

Improved assessment and feedback

Giving out assessments to students is possible with technology and even more stress-free as there is much educational software that teachers/instructors can use. In addition, the students can give feedback and get on too easily hence improving the communication between the teacher and the students. 

Greater flexibility

Technology allows for greater flexibility in the classroom, as students can access learning materials and resources from anywhere at any time.

Preparation for the future

The future will be technology-driven, take it or leave it. Now is the best time to prepare for the future. Consequently, adding technology to the tool for improving education is not only profiting education alone but also helping to prepare the students for the future.

Students will get to familiarise themselves with how technology and the internet work. They will not be off the course when it comes to the development and improvement of technology in and out of school. 

Access to Global Resources

With technology, students can access resources, lectures, and classes from anywhere in the world.

Efficient and Effective Learning

Technology is a plus to the development of education because of the innovations such as interactive media and multimedia resources. Students who love to learn visually, audio, or both now have the opportunity to learn by this means thus improving learning and teaching. 

Enhancing Creativity

Technology provides various tools and platforms for students to enhance their creativity and create projects, animations, and videos. Using technology in education helps create intuitive knowledge and practice it. 

Furthermore, technology has improved several components of education, including:

Curriculum creation

Thanks to technology, educators may now create and access a broad range of educational materials, including online lesson plans and instructional films.

Delivery of teaching

With technology, instruction may now be delivered via interactive and multimedia resources like movies, simulations, and online quizzes. These technologies can make learning more fun and effective.


The creation and administration of tests, as well as the analysis and sharing of the findings with students and parents, have all been made simpler for instructors thanks to technology.

Student involvement

It is now feasible for students to take part in interactive and team-based learning activities, which can boost motivation and engagement.

Professional development

Instructors now have easier access to tools for professional development and connections with other educators, which may help them become better teachers.

Parental engagement

Thanks to technology, parents may now remain updated on their child’s educational development and have improved teacher-parent contact.


Online education and assistive technology for students with impairments have made education more accessible for many individuals.

Edutech Resources

There are many different types of edutech (educational technology) tools and resources that are used in education, including:

  • Learning management systems (LMS) are online tools that let teachers plan and present classes, give homework assignments, and monitor the development of their students.
  • Online educational resources: This category comprises a wide range of online resources that may be utilized to complement instruction and give students extra learning opportunities. Examples include films, interactive simulations, and instructional games.
  • Word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation-making software are just a few examples of the many various types of educational software that may be used to enhance teaching and student learning.
  • Applications for mobile learning: Various apps for mobile learning may be used to help teaching and student learning on tablets and smartphones.
  • The use of virtual and augmented reality technology can help students grasp abstract concepts or visualize complicated systems while also fostering immersive learning experiences.
  • Applications for collaboration: To encourage cooperation between students and professors, including real-time collaboration and communication, tools like Google Docs, Slack, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and others can be utilized.
  • Platforms for adaptive learning: These tools allow students to study at their rate and ability by customizing the curriculum for each one of them.
  • Robots education: Coding and robotics are becoming more and more common in education, and many schools are now including them in their curricula.
  • Game-based learning: A teaching and learning approach that makes use of games to keep students interested and motivated while simultaneously fostering their capacity for critical thought and problem-solving

Final Notes on The Importance of Technology in Education

The involvement of technology in education is a big blessing and has revolutionized how education is being practiced. We detailed some of the benefits that education enjoys from the use of technology. Education will continue to develop as technology will be involved in the practice and advances also. 

Before you go, check out The Best Paying Jobs in Tech.

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