
Career Opportunities in Chemistry

Career Opportunities in Chemistry and their Salaries

Chemistry is one of the most popular science topics to study because of the wide range of industries in which someone with a chemistry degree can work.

This field of study has been one of the core drivers of innovation and invention in our past and present world. We’ll look at a couple of these jobs, their work descriptions, and salaries in this post.


Career Opportunities in Chemistry

These are the top career opportunities in chemistry:

  • Toxicologist
  • Geochemist
  • Forensic Scientist
  • Clinical Chemist
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Food Scientist
  • Industrial Chemist
  • Pharmacologist
  • Environmental Chemist
  • Polymer Chemist


Toxicologists are scientists who use their understanding of biology and chemistry to detect the effects of dangerous compounds in the bodies of living beings. They classify dangerous substances and rate their toxicity.

Plants, animals, chemicals, and microorganisms can all contribute to the material. They also look at how the dangerous substance’s effects can be mitigated by designing antidotes.

In Nigeria, toxicologists are well compensated; the average monthly income for entry-level toxicologists is N170,000, with expert toxicologists earning close to N500,000. The average wage in the United States is $81,651.


Also, check out the Career Opportunities in Agriculture.


A geochemist is a scientist who studies the earth using both geology and chemistry. Geochemists research the chemical make-up of and interactions between diverse substances present on the earth, typically using rocks and minerals.

Oil companies and environmental agencies are the organization that mostly secure the service of a geochemist. They also work with the Government.

The salary of a geochemist in the US falls between $65,380 to $85,258 but in Nigeria, the average salary is between N120,000 to N500,000 depending on the organization and accumulated years of experience.

Forensic Scientist

It is one of the most challenging careers to pursue in the field of chemistry. It entails analyzing the evidence or a crime scene to get to a conclusion that can aid in the investigation of a crime.

In physical analysis, chemical knowledge is extremely important. In affluent countries like the United States, France, the United Kingdom, and others, forensic science is widely used in police departments and court systems.

However, the practice has not yet become widespread in Nigeria, but we expect that it will do so in the next years.

The typical forensic scientist’s income ranges from $13,429 to $357,074, and it is expected to fluctuate over time. A forensic specialist in Nigeria earns between N120,000 and N430,000 per month.

Clinical Scientist

A clinical scientist is a life science professional who investigates the blood, tissue, cells, and many more to increase medical research and knowledge about living things.

The average salary of a clinical scientist is $124,924 per annum in the United States while the average salary in Nigeria is N1,372,359 per annum.

Food Scientist

A food scientist is someone with expertise in microbiology, engineering, and chemistry. They are in charge of exploring how food can be packaged or processed to ensure human safety.

Also, they look at a food’s nutritional value and how it affects the human body system. They also come up with novel methods of food preservation and improve on the previous ones.

Food science is a lucrative career that may be pursued with a chemistry degree. In Nigeria, the average monthly compensation for a food scientist is from N235,000 to N435,000. According to payscale, the average pay in the United States is $67,211.

Also, read How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internship.

Chemical Engineer

Unarguably, this is one of the most popular and highest-paid careers in the field of chemistry. Chemical engineers are tasked with the design, production, and development of chemical processes and/or products to help in different situations beneficial to humans and the environment.

The average salary of a chemical engineer is N350,000 monthly while in the United States the average pay is $87261.

Industrial Chemist

An industrial chemist examines physical and chemical attributes to determine the composition of various organic and inorganic substances using quantitative and qualitative analyses.

This knowledge is then applied to the development of novel compounds and products for a variety of industries. On a large scale, an industrial or production chemist plans, runs, fault management, and optimizes chemical and material manufacturing operations.

According to Glassdoor, in the United States, the average salary of an industrial chemist is $63,670 per annum. In Nigeria, the average salary for an entry-level industrial chemist is N83,000 monthly while that of a senior level industrial chemist is N147,000 per month.


Pharmacologists study medications, chemicals, and other substances to learn more about how they interact and affect the human body system. They evaluate, create medications, and conduct laboratory scientific tests and clinical trials.

With their knowledge of diseases, they help create new pharmaceuticals to treat them and ensure that existing drugs are used safely.

According to payscale, a pharmacologist earns up to N550,000 per annum in Nigeria. The average pay in the United States is $82,434 per year.

Environmental Chemist

Environmental chemists examine the protracted health and environmental consequences of pollutants in soil and groundwater. They implement remedial solutions, categorize polluted soils as toxic chemicals, handle their evacuation, and monitor the on-site cleanup.

They gather samples from the field and conduct experiments on them to ascertain the level of risk of contamination from pollution.

The average salary of an environmental chemist in the United States is $70410 per annum while in Nigeria the salary falls between N244,000 to N819,000.

Also, apply for jobs in the United States.

Polymer Chemist

Polymer chemists focus on ways that small chains of organic compounds can be used for polymers on a molecular or atomic level. In addition, polymer chemists engage in both research and production to generate synthetic polymers that are utilized in a wide range of applications, such as plastics, paints, and pharmaceuticals.

Experiments, data collection, and analysis are all done by polymer chemists in laboratories and offices.

The average salary of a polymer chemist in the United States is $72,916 per annum while in Nigeria, the average pay is N150,000 per month.

Other career opportunities in chemistry are:

  • Analytical Chemist
  • Biotechnologist
  • Biochemist
  • Organic Chemist
  • Quality control chemist
  • Oceanographer
  • Material Scientist
  • Water Chemist
  • Textile Chemist

Final Notes on Career Opportunities in Chemistry

The range of diverse industries an individual with a chemistry degree can work with is the reason why In the sphere of science, chemistry is one of the most essential. Listed above are only a few of the career jobs in the field.

Before you go, apply for Available Jobs.

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