Becoming a National Institute of Management Member

Becoming a National Institute of Management Member

The national institute of management is a body for professionals and institutions in the management industry. The organization is a professional body that sees the training, development, and upholding of the ethics of the management profession in Nigeria. 

The blog provides a detailed process and information on how one can become a member of the institute. 

Also, check out Accounting Professional Bodies in Nigeria.

About the National Institute of Management 

The Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM) was established in 1961 by a group of high-level managers from different sectors, who convened to discuss creating a management institute in Nigeria.

This group, initially known as the Nigerian Management Group, gained recognition from international organizations such as the British Institute of Management and the American Management Association.

In 1964, the Nigerian Management Group changed its name to the Nigerian Institute of Management and became a non-profit organization, incorporated under the Nigerian Companies Act as a limited company that did not have a share capital.

The institute has responsibilities and these obligations include establishing requirements for knowledge and ability, keeping a membership list, and overseeing all facets of the profession. As circumstances allow, the company also seeks to continuously improve these standards.

The establishment of the national institute of management is an important step toward improving the quality of management education and research in a country.

They play a crucial role in developing managerial talent and enhancing the competitiveness of businesses and organizations. By providing access to world-class management education and research, national institutes of management can contribute to the economic growth and development of a country.

Becoming a member of the National Institute of Management

Becoming a member of the institution will be beneficial to your career growth and expand your professional status. There are two routes to becoming a member. One route is for individuals and the other for corporate organizations. 

Furthermore, there is a special scheme to become a member as a student. The scheme is eligible for students taking management courses and in 300 level in the university. While HND 1 is the requirement for pot techno students.

The program is in two stages with each stage having specific courses to study. Also, each stage requires the student to pass them successfully before becoming an inducted member of NIM. 

At the time of writing the examination fee is N5250 while the application form costs N500. As a bonus, the institution provides you with a soft copy of the necessary handouts for each course. This helps prepare for the coming examination.

Click here for more information on how to enroll.

Benefits of becoming a member of the National Institute of Management

Benefits of NIM Membership

Becoming a member of a professional association comes with its benefits. This is no different when you join the National Institute of Management as you stand to enjoy some benefits.

However, your level of membership in the institution will determine how many of the benefits you will enjoy. Nevertheless, these are the general benefits available to the members.

Professional Development 

Becoming a part of NIM broadens your exposure and scope of knowledge in the management field. Consequently, your professional status receives a boost. Also, you stay in tune with new trends and discoveries in the management field which makes you stay on top of your game. 

Networking Opportunities 

One of the main reasons why NIM exists is to provide a base for management professionals to network. Both experienced, intermediate, and beginners in the field can come together to share ideas, discoveries, experiences, and suggestions. Furthermore, innovation in the field rises from these network gatherings.

Industry Recognition 

As a member of the National Institute of Management, employers, colleagues, and clients will see you are a credible and qualified person. 

Access to Resources 

NIM provides its members with access to research reports, industry publications, and databases. These resources can help you stay informed about the latest industry developments and trends.

Career Advancement 

Being a member of NIM can open up new career opportunities and improve your job prospects. It can also help you demonstrate your dedication to continuous learning and development.

Awards and Scholarships 

NIM offers awards and scholarships to recognize the achievements and contributions of its members. This can provide additional recognition and financial support for your professional endeavors.

Also, check out Computer Professional Bodies in Nigeria.

Level of Membership in the National Institute 

There are levels of membership in the institute. They are:

  • Companions 
  • Fellows 
  • Members 
  • Associates 

Upgrading to each level will require one to pay certain fees and pass all the requirements stated for each category.

Furthermore, we have classes and memberships that include:

Honorary Membership 

The Institute’s Council grants honorary membership to individuals who they deem deserving of the honor, with terms and conditions set by the Council.

Affiliate Membership 

The group of people who are eligible for membership includes both individuals and companies that have established working connections with the Institute. 

Corporate Membership 

The Institute has four classes of membership (A-D) for companies, limited companies, associations, institutions, and other corporate or unincorporated bodies, who are admitted at the discretion of the Council.

Full Membership 

Individuals who have held associate membership in the Institute for at least four years, are 35 years old or older, and have worked as a department head or in a comparable position for a minimum of eight years are eligible for full membership. 

Associate Membership 

To become an associate member of the Institute, an individual must have completed at least five years of graduate membership, be over the age of 30, and have worked as a functional manager or specialist for at least three years.

Student/Graduate Membership 

The least membership class in the institute. I explained how to get a membership earlier in the post.

Finally, you can visit the official website to learn more information concerning the membership. Click here to visit.


National Institutes of management are key institutions that play a critical role in developing the management skills and knowledge of individuals and organizations.

These institutes provide quality education and research, as well as consultancy services to support businesses and industries across various sectors. Through their programs, national institutes of management contribute significantly to the economic growth and development of countries.

The establishment and proper functioning of these institutions are essential to ensure that individuals and organizations have access to the necessary tools and resources to succeed in a rapidly evolving and competitive global marketplace.

Therefore, national institutes of management are essential for promoting excellence in management education and research, and ultimately, for fostering economic growth and development.

Before you go, check out All You Need to Know about Chartered Accountancy.